Integrative Health Coaching

Supporting Growth Through Life's Transitions

Finding Meaning and Renewed Purpose Amidst Loss, Anxiety, and the Challenges of Complex Medical Diagnoses

Larey Swanson Health and Wellness Coach

Guiding you towards resilience, purpose, and a brighter tomorrow.

Supporting individuals who are:

  • Grieving the loss of a loved one

  • Coping with ambiguous loss, such as caregiving for someone with dementia or experiencing estrangement from a close family member

  • Facing non-death losses, like an empty nest, loss of career, purpose, good health, or faith

  • Dealing with secondary losses resulting from a primary loss, such as friendships, community, or financial stability after a divorce

  • Struggling with cumulative loss, experiencing multiple losses before fully grieving the primary loss

  • Navigating nonfinite loss, where hopes and dreams don’t materialize as expected, like not having desired children or finding the right life partner

  • Confronting anticipatory grief due to a medical diagnosis in oneself or a loved one

  • Managing disenfranchised grief, where societal norms invalidate the need to grieve because the situation "isn’t that bad" or "should be over by now."

Together, we will:

  • Navigate a path forward

  • Discover meaning and purpose

  • Cultivate emotional resilience

“After the unexpected passing of my mother, I found myself stunned in grief and uncertainty.

Fortunately, I was already working with Larey during her internship at the Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing as a Health Coach. Her meaningful coaching and guidance surpassed my understanding of what I needed. Larey’s impact on my healing journey also allowed me to finally work through the pain of losing my father and sister years ago. Her attentive listening, empathetic support, and resources provided a safe space for me to express my emotions and heal constructively. Through her expertise, I discovered strategies for my wellbeing and gained hope and resilience. The lessons I learned from Larey will forever be in my heart, equipping me for a healthier and fulfilling life. I feel blessed to have crossed paths with her and I am deeply grateful for her support.”

— Virginia Kaczmarek

Development Officer 
Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing