Books on Positive Thinking

The science of positivity is a dynamic and emerging field that seeks to promote well-being and flourishing by understanding the psychological and biological processes involved in positive thoughts and experiences. It also offers practical applications and interventions that individuals and communities can use to enhance their overall quality of life and foster positive emotions and attitudes.

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by Barbara Fredrickson

A guide to the tools necessary to creating a healthier and more fulfilling life by increasing your Positivity. Learn how Positivity feels good, changes how your mind works, transforms your future, and decreases the physical manifestations of negativity.


Learn how rewiring our brains for happiness can help us improve every aspect of our lives, including our careers, health, and relationships.


The Power of Positive Thinking

by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

A time-honored practical guide to helping you achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life.


by Ski Chilton


Books for Personal Development


Three Books for Understanding Emotions